It is definitely time to celebrate! I'm finally done with the semester, so Christmas can finally start! Yay! Here are a few pics of the festivities! We went down to SLC a couple weekends ago to see the lights on Temple square, our Jones family tradition! It was sooo cold, but it's always fun to see.
Shane, Jake, and Dreyson (Jennie's little boy)
We also started a new tradition of making Gingerbread houses! They turned out really cute, and surprisingly (no thanks to Jake) our even ended up with SOME candy on it! He was definitely more interested in eating the candy than he was putting it on the house. I also seem to be finding a few less pieces on the house every day...sneaky Snakey!
For those of you who didn't know...we're expecting! Our newest addition should be here early summer, and we're very excited. Jake's not so sure about it, he keeps telling me to "get that baby outta there"!! But he's pretty positive it's a baby sister....we'll keep our fingers crossed.
Happy Holidays everyone!!