Saturday, April 5, 2008


Jake turned two today! We had a fun-filled weekend of parties and birthday cake! I can't believe two years went by this fast. He's officially into the "terrible two's" and we've got the tantrums to prove it! But Shane and I love him to death, and he really is such a sweet little boy.

Here are a few pics from this weekend.

Jake couldn't have been more excited when we brought his "cicle" (bicycle) upstairs. He didn't want to get off of it all night. And, he obviously enjoyed his cake and icecream! He had wanted a cake with a "car with the lights" (Shane's police car) which was no easy feat! But it turned out okay, and Jake was thrilled! He had to blow out the candles three or four times! We love our little two year old so much!! Happy Birthday Snakey!


Chambers Family said...

I cant believe that it has been 2 years.... time flies. He is too cute

Anonymous said...

Hi Lester and Shane..

That Jake is a looker and probably has his parents (I know his grandpa) right where he wants them. That is neat about your new house. We will have to come visit when you move in...aunt JoAnn